Obstruction reporting
Help remove an unlicensed obstruction
WHAM aims to ensure continuing availability of safe anchorages on the west coast of Scotland while facilitating the operation of private and visitor moorings. If you encounter an obstructed anchorage, please inform WHAM using the Obstruction Reporting page.
For a group of ten or more private mooring owners, it can be cost-effective to form a Moorings Association. For an individual, there is advice on Laying a Private Mooring. More information on Visitor Moorings is available here.
Organisations interested in joining WHAM should complete the Full Member application. Organisations and individuals wanting to support WHAM can become Associate Members.
Moorings suffer from the corrosive effects of seawater as well as abrasion from the seabed and other wear and tear. They need regular inspection and replacement. For seasonal moorings, this is commonly undertaken in the spring. For all-year moorings, inspection is required more frequently.
The following companies are known to service moorings in the WHAM area. Listing their contact details implies no endorsement by WHAM and we accept no responsibility or liability for any issues faced or costs incurred. We suggest you confirm your mooring maintenance arrangements with your boat insurer.
KMASS Marine – Oban based. For further details: www.kmassmarine.co.uk, email kmassmarine@gmail.com, or call 07824504774.
If you service moorings in the WHAM area and would like your company to be listed here (for free) please contact sec@whamassoc.org.uk. Please note this listing is for mooring contractors only. No other marine businesses will be listed and no correspondence entered into.