WHAM Members

WHAM is a voluntary organisation working on behalf of its members in negotiation with Crown Estate Scotland, the Scottish Government and the Royal Yachting Association to protect west coast harbours and anchorages.

Organisations interested in joining WHAM should complete the Full Member application. Organisations and individuals wanting to support WHAM can become Associate Members.

Present members and supporting organisations include:

Achintore M.A
Achnacree M.A.
Achnamara M.A.
Airds Bay Mooring Association
Ardentallen M.A.
Ardfern Yacht Centre
Ardoran Marine
Badachro Marine
Badachro M.A.
Balvicar Bay M.A.
Camus an t'Salainn M.A.
Castle Sween Bay
Colonsay Community Development Company
Connel Bridge M.A.
Craignish Boat Club
Craignish Lagoon M.A.
Crinan Harbour Association
Dunbeg Boat Owners Assoc.
Dunstaffnage Bay M.O.A.
Gigha Trading - Ardminish Moorings
Glencoe Boat Club
Glenuig and Samalaman
Isle of Canna Community M.A.
Isle of Rum M.A.
Kames Bay M.A.
Kentallen Bay M.A.
Kilmelford Yacht Haven
Lerigoligan M.H.A.
Loch Aline M.A.
Loch Dunvegan M.A.
Loch Moidart M.A.
Lochaline Marina
Lochcarron M.A.
Lochgair and Minard M.A.
Luing Mooring Association
Mid Kerrera M.A.
Oban Bay Community Berthing
Roshven M.A.
Royal Highland Yacht Club
Salen Bay (Sunart) M.A.
Seil Sound M.A.
Shieldaig M.A.
Sound of Ulva M.A.
South Shian M.A.
South Sleat Community M.A.
Stein M.A.
Tayvallich Bay Association
Tiree Community Maritime Assets Ltd.
Tobermory Harbour Association
West Connel M.O.A.
West Loch Tarbert M.A.